Encore Musical Theatre
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Encore Musical Theatre

Term Dates and Classes

All great musicals have a beginning and now you can be part of them from page to stage.

Winter Term September - December
Spring Term January - April
Summer Term April - July

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Classes for 4-6 year olds

Is your child a budding starlet? Do they enjoy singing, dancing, music and anything creative or performance based? Do they have heaps of energy that you’re looking for a way to channel and express? Or perhaps they’re a little shy and would benefit from a boost in confidence in a supportive, nurturing environment that’s fun and creative and will give your child their time and place to shine.

Theatre and performance based activities help children express emotions, grow in confidence and at Encore will be encouraged to build friendships while they learn and grow together. With an energised atmosphere full of positive reinforcement your child can learn the initial stages of performance while engaging in fun activity to help nurture their character and style.

Classes for 7-9 year olds

Does your child have a flare for performing?

Do they love to sing, dance and do anything creative or performance based? Do they have heaps of energy or perhaps they’re a little shy and need to focus that energy whilst receiving a boost in confidence in a supportive, nurturing environment.

At ENCORE every child will excel in developing new skills in the arts and have their time to shine!

Encompassing theatre and performance based activities, children learn to express emotions, grow in confidence and at Encore will be encouraged to build friendships whilst growing and acquiring the key skills necessary for a performer for stage.

Classes for 10-14 year olds

Does your child display the charisma of a budding musical theatre performer? Do they love to express themselves creatively or the opportunity to channel their energy and build confidence?

Encore is the perfect environment to learn the craft in all theatre skills to the highest level. With integrated training across all theatrical disciplines including singing, dancing and acting, students will build and develop their skill set for the best start to their vocational theatre training and development.

Highly specialist skills taught over a range of classes and workshops lead children to express emotions whilst gaining confidence and at Encore will have the opportunity to build friendships while excelling in the skills needed to develop as a performer for the stage.

Classes for 14+ year olds

Danced since you could walk? Sing since you could speak and performed since anyone would watch? …. Then you might be considering a career or formal vocational training in Musical Theatre and performance.

Or maybe you’ve already trained in singing, dance and acting and are looking for the opportunity to integrate these skills at the next level, whether as a hobby or with a view to auditioning for theatre or dance school? Either way, Encore will be the ultimate part-time training for you. A place to not only hone your skills to the highest level but develop them under the guidance of tutors who work throughout the West End, TV and Film industries. Sounding good ?….. Look no further than Encore where you will focus on integrating your skills whilst training each discipline in line with industry standards.

The highly experienced team will train you to flourish in new skills and help you nurture and build on your existing experience, all the time maintaining your individuality as an artist.

Classes for Adults

Please click here to get in touch to discuss classes for adults.

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To register: simply click the link below and we will send your confirmation to you. But hurry, spaces are limited.

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Encore Musical Theatre
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